Phone:01895 612400; 01895 621777
Our charges cover all of the work foreseeable at the start of your transaction which will be required to complete the sale and/or purchase for your move including dealing with registration at the Land Registry and the payment of any Stamp Duty Land Tax (Stamp Tax) on properties in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.
Our basic fees vary according to the amount and complexity of work that we will have to do and the value of your property. We work on a fixed fee basis.
Various problems may arise during the transaction which may cause delay and increase costs. For example, the title may be more complicated than anticipated. Our searches and enquiries may reveal something unexpected. There may be a defect in the title and an indemnity policy may be required. If this occurs you will be informed in writing as to any increase in cost to you. We have listed below some of the complicating factors and the additional fees you can expect as far as we can estimate.
The following factors can influence the fee:
1. Whether the property is freehold or leasehold (Please see below)
2. Whether the property is newbuild (Please see below)
3. The value of the property.
4. The timescale.
5. Whether the land is registered or unregistered. If unregistered, we will charge an additional £350 plus VAT (20%).
6. Whether the property is in a shared ownership scheme, we will charge an additional £350 plus VAT (20%).
7. Whether the property is purchased with a help to buy mortgage. we will charge an additional £350 plus VAT (20%).
8. Any lease extension by Deed of Variation. We will charge an additional £500- £750 plus VAT (20%).
9. Declaration of Trust. We will charge an additional £500-£750 plus VAT (20%).
Illustration of Transaction Charges
Below is an example of estimated charges on a freehold purchase by a buyer of an existing (non-newbuild)
Description | FEES | VAT (20%) |
Basic conveyancing fees | £1,250.00-£2,250.00 | £250.00-£450.00 |
Expedition Fee (Completion within 7 working days of exchange) | £175.00 | £35.00 |
Fee on submission of Stamp Duty Land Tax Return | £125.00 | £25.00 |
Fee on acting for lender (if applicable) | £250.00 | £50.00 |
Fee on AML Searches (per person) | £35.00 | £7.00 |
Fee on electronic money transfer service fee (per transfer) | £40.00 | £8.00 |
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Those such as Land Registry fees and Stamp Duty Tax will vary in amount according to the purchase is of a second or additional property (in which case there will be an additional 3% Stamp Tax).
*VAT is at Standard Rate (currently 20%)
Below is an example of estimated charges on a leasehold purchase by a buyer of an existing (non-newbuild)
Description | FEES | VAT (20%) |
Basic conveyancing fees | £1,250.00-£2,250.00 | £250.00-£450.00 |
Expedition Fee (Completion within 7 working days of exchange) | £175.00 | £35.00 |
Fee on submission of Stamp Duty Land Tax Return | £125.00 | £25.00 |
Fee on acting for lender (if applicable) | £250.00 | £50.00 |
Fee on dealing with leasehold aspects | £350.00 | £70.00 |
Fee on AML Searches (per person) | £35.00 | £7.00 |
Fee on electronic money transfer service fee (per transfer) | £40.00 | £8.00 |
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Those such as Land Registry fees and Stamp Duty Tax will vary in amount according to the purchase is of a second or additional property (in which case there will be an additional 3% Stamp Tax).
*VAT is at Standard Rate (currently 20%)
Note Regarding Leasehold:
On a leasehold purchase there may be additional charges payable to the Landlord and/or Managing Company such as for Notice of Transfer and/or Charge, Deed of Covenant and Certificate of Compliance. These will only become apparent during the transaction as will the amount of fees charged by the Landlord and/or Management Company. As a guideline, each fee can range between £50-£250 plus VAT (20%).
On a leasehold sale, it is usual to require the landlord and/or managing company to provide information in a management pack re: service charges, insurance etc for which they make a charge – guideline £200-£500 plus VAT (20%).
Newbuild Property:
If you are buying a property in course of construction or fairly recently built we have to charge more because of the more complicated legal work and much large amount of paperwork invariably involved.
The minimum fee for acting on a newbuild property (regardless of price) is £2,500.00 plus VAT (20%) for freehold properties or £2,950.00 plus VAT (20%) for leasehold properties but this may increase according to price and if the legal work is more complicated or time consuming than we had expected. A fixed fee will be provided to you prior to the outset of the transaction.
Key Stages
The precise involved in the purchase of residential property may vary according to the circumstances. However, below are some of the key stages of the process:
How long will my house purchase take?
How long it will take from your offer being accepted until you can move in to your house will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 6 – 12 weeks. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain.
Our estimated fees here are for carrying out work where there is no link to a property purchase. Our fees vary depending upon the value of the property, and whether the property is leasehold or freehold.
Description | FEES | VAT (20%) |
Basic conveyancing fees | £750.00 – £1,250.00 | £150.00-£250.00 |
Leasehold fee (if applicable) | £350.00 | £70.00 |
Fee on electronic money transfer service fee (per transfer) | £40.00 | £8.00 |
Fee on AML Searches (per person) | £35.00 | £7.00 |
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Those such as Land Registry fees are variable depending on the value of the loan.
*VAT is at Standard Rate (currently 20%)
All fees are subject to the addition of VAT at standard rate (currently 20%) and there will be other incidental charges and disbursements (some similar to a purchase) which will be included in a full estimate to you prior to the outset of the transaction.
The Property Department is overseen by David Durn, one of our Partners.
The Team comprises:-